Week In Review no. 3
My favorites from around the web (& then some)
This week... I mean, this week you guys. The subtitle here says it all. This week started with a realization on Monday morning that I had flaked in a MAJOR way by forgetting a dinner that we were supposed to attend over the previous weekend... at the pastor's home. (btw, sorry for saying "badass" in the same post where I write about my pastor) Yeah, that "leisurely Saturday" I spent writing the last Week In Review. That was the day I was supposed to be getting my leafy green salad together and wrangling my family to head to dinner with the pastor's family.
Failure. Massive, massive failure.
That's how my Monday started.
But then I KILLED IT for so much of the week. I had productivity coming out of every pore, and it felt magical. I love hitting my stride and managing lots of projects and ideas at the same time. Something about that is invigorating for me, ideas fueling ideas, energy feeding and growing. I did the work of 4 people and still hopped on the rower, made dinner for my family a few nights, read to my son, helped with homework, and found some moments to spend a little time with my husband.
Badass. Massive, massive badass.
You know what though? It's never that binary, is it? I'm both of those things wrapped up into one, almost always. I got more done and left more on the table than I wanted to in lots of ways. It's life, right? And life is how we all learn. Hopefully this week is incrementally better than the last because I'm not an idiot and I learn from success and failure. Hopefully. :)
With that said, here's my week in review-
Favorite Article:
I loved reading this piece that Jeff Goins shared about his system for writing. I actually hesitated to share this because I'm going to post a blog this week (that I wrote well before I read this article, just for the record) about my own suggestions for writing. But Jeff describes a simple, straightforward way to organize ideas and actually get them out there for people to absorb. And if you know me at all, you know he's singing my tune. Seriously, it's a quick read and worth your time if you have any aspiration of producing content online.
Favorite Moment:
By far, my favorite moment happened completely unplugged from the rest of the world. I hopped in the passenger seat of the car after a long day of work with my business partner, and I rode with my husband to his rehearsal. I still had work to do on a big project with a looming deadline, so I worked in the back of the room until after rehearsal, after which we headed for dinner where I was going to do some verbiage and positioning work for Jonathan's company. Just a long day. Which is why when he handed me a card on the way to rehearsal that was addressed to "The hardest working woman in show bidness," along with a copy of Harry Potter And The Cursed Child, I may have cried a little. He's really just the best. And I found an hour to read in quiet over the weekend, which was my second favorite moment.
Favorite Quote:
This one is a quote I've loved for a long time, but this week I learned who actually said it! It has been attributed to no less than 8 people over the years. So I did a little digging and found that Ray Bradbury was the man behind the quote I have found inspiring for many years:
"You’ve got to jump off the cliff all the time and build your wings on the way down."
Favorite Invention:
![Image result for idea paint logo](http://igbis.edu.my/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/logo-ideapaint.png)
Without this wondrous creation, Lindsay (my business partner) & I wouldn't have a company. Is that too strong? Maybe. Probably not. The wondrous creation I'm talking about is Idea Paint. Our working space is mostly covered with the stuff and, therefore, covered with our ideas in dry erase marker. Multiple times a week we'll clean and then fill the walls with all the things in our brains. I cannot recommend this stuff enough. We even had a small amount leftover, so I ran across the street to my house and painted a small square in our home office. Jonathan has used it over and over for his own brainstorms and organizing sessions. It's really a genius product.
Favorite Giggle:
I feel like I have to include one of these every time because there's so much good stuff out there. This one comes to us by way of the geniuses over at Bad Lip Reading (if you aren't familiar with them, go prepare to waste some glorious time on those videos). This one is The Democratic National Convention. You're welcome.
OK- that's it for the week in review. Oh, today is also when we launch our very first e-course! Hooray! We're super pumped, to say the least.
Let me know if you came across any must-sees, and I'll check them out. Until then, have an amazing week!